While there are all different types of Coverage you could have on your automobile insurance policy; this article will go over just a few. First is Comprehensive, which replaces or repairs your vehicle if your car is stolen or damaged for something other than an accident (usually fire, falling tree branch, vandalism, etc). Next is Collision, which covers your vehicle if your vehicle is damaged in an accident. Comprehensive and Collision are optional coverages if you own your vehicle outright. However, if your vehicle is financed or leased in almost all instances, your lender will require these coverages.
Next, as discussed more fully above, Florida law requires Personal Injury Protection and Property Damage Coverages.
The next two types of coverages are perhaps the most important that are not required in Florida; Bodily Injury Coverage; and Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Benefits. First, Bodily Injury Coverage provides insurance for you should you be involved in an accident and cause injuries to another person. The minimum Bodily Injury Coverage is usually $10,000.00, but we recommend you carry a minimum of $50,000.00 in Bodily Injury Coverage.
Next, Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Benefits provides insurance coverage to you if you are injured in an accident that is caused by someone that is either not insured or does not have sufficient Bodily Injury Coverage to compensate you for the damages you sustain in the accident.