Personal injury law relates to a wide range of issues that occur when a person was emotionally or physically injured, or if there has been damage done to personal property. This is also know in the legal world as “tort” law, which is the French term for “wrong.” This body of law exists to assure a party is rightfully compensated when someone else’s actions cause injury or damage to them and/or their property. When people are reckless or careless others can be hurt. Motor vehicle accidents are a basic example of what tort law applies to. If a person hits your car from behind when you are stopped that would be the defendant and you would be the claimant, or plaintiff.
If you are injured or suffered damages due to the negligence of others, contact Retamar & Millian, P.A. for a free consultation.
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Negligence is the most common aspect of tort law. It is also one of the hardest to define and declare. Legally, the concept of negligence relates to a party failing to use reasonable due care in order to avoid a predictable harm to another party, place, or thing.
A person or business could be declared negligent if they fail to use due care in the applicable fashion for the situation. An example of this is a server pouring a hot coffee into a patron's mug in their hands versus that server pouring a cold beverage into a glass on the table. The server would more carefully pour the hot liquid, i.e. taking "due care" of the situation.
Toxic Torts:
This applies to the injury resulting from unnecessary exposure to dangerous chemicals or biological substances. This exposure can occur via inhalation, ingestion, skin contact or skin absorption. All toxic substances are strictly regulated by the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Proving that toxic substance has caused harm requires a toxic tort experienced attorney, such as Retamar & Millian, P.A.