Waiving Cars Through Traffic Could Result In You Being Responsible Should The Car You Waive Through Be Involved In An Accident
Rick Millian • December 29, 2020
Sometimes being a nice person could open you up for liability
Be very careful signaling to other cars and pedestrians that it is safe for them to cross a road or enter traffic. Just because you were not involved in the accident does not mean you may not have some liability for causing the accident.
Sometimes being a nice person could open you up for liability
We recently were retained by a young high school girl who was hit by a car while riding her bicycle. She came to a stop at an entranceway to a parking lot. A car was getting ready to turn right into the parking lot, and a car was leaving the parking lot, getting ready to turn left. The car attempting to turn right, stopped, waived our client on indicating it was safe to cross the entranceway. Our client proceeded to ride her bicycle across the entranceway. Unfortunately, the car that was leaving the parking lot thought the other car was waiving for him to proceed. As such, his car collided with our Client as she rode her bicycle.
While our Client was significantly injured, luckily, she was not killed in this accident. She sustained broken bones, cuts, and injuries to her neck and back.
Dealing with Insurance Companies - Waiving Cars Thru Traffic
We filed claims against both the car that struck her and the car that waived her on. Both insurance companies tendered their insured’s policy limits to us for this client. In some cases, you may not be liable for an accident in which you signal to others it is safe for them to take some action; however, there are times where you can be held liable. The Florida Supreme Court has decided that liability for these types of cases must be determined on a case-by-case basis examining all the facts.
Regardless of the situation, call a personal injury lawyer anytime there is an accident. We work as a check and balance to insurance companies who push you through the system instead of looking at your accident's specific facts.
Contact an Experienced Car Accident Attorney
These types of cases are almost impossible to do on your own and very difficult to do even with an attorney. They often require an expert to ensure that your case is evaluated correctly.
Retamar & Millian, P.A. is available to assist you on all your accident related issues.
If you need assistance on any of the issues related to your car accident, contact Retamar & Millian, P.A. at 813-200-5894 for a free consultation.
By Hanna Branch & Delfina Carrizo•February 4, 2025
We are honored to help the Caballes family after their tragic loss. Read their story on ABC Action News and learn more about our commitment to justice.